Password New Account Entry
- Administrator defines new personnel who will have access to the PC-Titrate™ Software
- Administrator also defines authority level which in turns defines access
- Upon first entry, the user is prompted to enter a unique password
Password Authority Levels
- Administrator defines the authority levels, normally the hierarchy found within the laboratory
- The authority levels are linked to the access which defines the software sections that can be accessed by each level
Password Access
- Administrator defines which menu options each authority level has access to
- the menu options may be expanded to define access to sub-menu options
Password Existing Account Edit
- the administrator is able to change the status of account holders (users) within the system. For example, if a user leaves the lab, this user may be removed from the system
Password Global Settings
- the administrator defines how the password system works within the company
- Options Iinclude:
- Minimum character length for the password
- Time for password expiration
- Time for re-entry of the password if the system is left unattended (the PC-Titrate™ software automatically prompts for a password re-entry if interrupted during a run)
- Number of times a password may be entered incorrectly before being disabled and more.
Audit Trail
- "Making it easier for your auditor, makes it easier for you!"
Audit Trail Explanation Window
- with any change in any method, calibration, password, etc., an explanation window appears prompting the user to enter a reason for the change
- this explanation is then viewed in the Audit Trail Report or the Audit Trail Review Screen
- the user making the change has a digital signature linked to this change
Audit Trail Review
- view all versions of a specific method and quickly scroll through the reasons for any and all changes
- link directly to the method to see full screen settings used at the time of analysis
- print old and current version of the methods
Audit Trail Report
- with this report, quickly see changes from one method to the next
- all changes are highlighted in "red" text for emphasis and ease of auditing
Method Versioning
- All methods, calibrations, schedules, etc. are versioned. For example, if a method is currently at version 10, this will be displayed as such, however, all previous versions can still be viewed
- Methods, calibrations, schedules, etc., may be removed from use, but the records and their links to real analyses will remain within the database for auditing purposes
Data Security
- The entire operating database may reside on a network system eliminating the need for file transfer
- All reports (paper or electronic) are generated in real time from the secure database
- With any network interruption, the system will automatically shut down with all results generated so far saved in the secure database