Ochrona Środowiska

MANTECH's first major success was its focus on solutions for the environmental laboratory. With the introduction of the TitraSip, true multiparameter analysis from a single sample was born. The impressive part is the payback time, normally less than 6 months! Our tradition of cost saving solutions continues with the recent introduction of Turbidity AssayPlus™, TitraSip SA™ and BOD AssayPlus™. You can rest assured data produced is defensible and secure while still minimizing the cost of analysis and maximizing personnel time available for other tasks.

Click on a Workflow Below:

Choose Your Enviromental Workflow

Workflow EN-1
Example: pH and alkalinity, residual chlorine
Workflow EN-2
Example: pH and alkalinity in batches of 15 samples or more
Workflow EN-3
Example: pH, conductivity, alkalinity, turbidity, floride, but only a limited number of samples at a time. Ideal for scheduled or grab sampling analysis (Near Line Systems)
Workflow EN-4
Example: pH, conductivity, alkalinity, total hardness and fluoride, only 8 each per day
Workflow EN-5
Example: pH, conductivity, alkalinity, turbidity, fluride, with 80 samples per batch
Workflow EN-6
Example: 30 turbidity analysis per batch for metals screening
Workflow EN-7
Example: 20 BOD Measurements per day for wastewater analysis
New, BOD/Titrate
BOD by day... Titrator by night